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Teaching Staff:
Mrs C.McGinn (Head of Department)
Mss E.McCann
Mrs S.Devlin
Mrs K.O’Lone
Mrs C.McCarroll
Miss L.Casey
Miss S.Flanaghan
Mr D.Quinn

Laboratory Technician:
Miss K.Mikolajczyk



Our Department is inclusive and takes a holistic approach for each student to reach their full potential.

Department Aims

  • To develop, maintain and stimulate student’s curiosity, interest and enjoyment in Science.
  • To develop the students understanding of science with appropriate scientific concepts, methods and vocabulary.
  • To develop in students a knowledge and understanding of themselves and mankind in general
  • To encourage in students, the development of an open mind, practical and social skills so all students can work independently and in groups.

Curriculum Details

Curriculum Details

Key Stage 3

Year 8
Our thematic unit beginnings, is covered in our introduction to science.
Our cross curriculum skills are linked to the mathematic department when we cover handling data during the investigating science unit.

Units of work

  • Safety
  • Investigating Science
  • Keys and classification
  • States of matter
  • Dissolving and separating techniques
  • Reproduction in animals
  • Earth and Space

Year 9
Our thematic unit balanced diet links with the work of the Eco group with a focus on sustainability and biodiversity.

Units of Work

  • Acids and alkalis
  • Materials
  • Energy
  • Photosynthesis
  • Respiration
  • Circulation
  • Electricity and circuits

Year 10
Units of Work

  • Balanced diet and digestion
  • Chemical reactions
  • Periodic table
  • Forces
  • Light
  • Sound


Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4, pupils can study Single Award Science or Double Award Science.

All science courses contain elements of Physics, Chemistry Biology and Environmental Issues and practical skills assessment.

The OCN NI Level 2 Certificate (OCN)

This course will provide learners with the opportunity to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in a range of key concepts within Biollogy, Chemistry and Physics and builds upon the Key Stage 3 science curriculum. It offers an applied approach to science. Students are awarded credit based on evidence produced in portfolios.  There are no exams.

Single Award Science (CCEA)
Single Award modular has 4 units tested over two years, each worth 25% Students can achieve Grades A*-G. Pupils have the options to resit modules if required.

Double Award Science (CCEA)
There are 3 units covered in Year 11 worth 33%
There are 3 terminal tests in Year 12 worth 42%
There is a practical skills unit worth 25 % taken in Year 12

Students can resist each examination once.

There are 3 terminal tests in Year 12 worth 42%. There is a practical skills unit worth 25 % taken in Year 12


Revision classes for all GCSE Science examinations occurs regularly throughout the year.

Key Stage 5

Pupils have the option to study A’ Level Life and Health Sciences. This course gives pupil the opportunity to study a diverse range of topics from all three Science disciplines, and complete assignments to develop their practical skills.

Year 13

AS1: Experimental techniques (33% internally assessed)

AS2: Human Body Systems (33% externally assessed)

AS3: Aspects of Physical Chemistry in Industrial Processes (33% externally assessed)

Year 14

A21: Scientific Method, Investigation, Analysis and Evaluation

A22: Organic Chemistry

A2 5: Genetics, Stem Cell Research and Cloning


The Science department is involved in delivery of STEM. A science club and gardening club runs for Year 8 pupils. Both teachers and pupils from all years’ work closely together in a hands on way to solve real life problems with local primary schools. We are also involved in the BT Young Scientist of the Year competitions in which our students choose an interesting project to work on and develop. Our pupils have had great success in this competition with our pupils being award third place in their category this year. Our Science department is equipped with a top of the range garden shed/planting area which our students avail of in the Spring/Summer months.

St Patrick's College Dungannon
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