Engineering Department
Delivered by the Technology and Design Department
Department Aims
Pearson BTEC Level 2 First Award in Engineering is equal to ‘GCSE’ level over 2 years and accepted by Universities for entry. It is hoped that this programme will give students an added engineering focused dimension to their career prospects and curriculum vitae, setting them apart in today’s competitive marketplace.
BTEC First qualifications were originally designed for use in colleges, schools and the workplace as an introductory level 2 course for learners wanting to study in the context of a vocational sector. This is still relevant today. The skills learnt in studying a BTEC First will aid progression to further study and prepare learners to enter the workplace in due course. Typical entry-level employment opportunities in engineering include roles such as junior mechanical engineer or technician.
The Pearson BTEC Level 2 First Award in Engineering provides an engaging, robust, broad-based introduction to engineering. It provides underpinning knowledge, understanding and practical skills that reflect the needs of employers and higher and further education professionals. It presents knowledge, skills and understanding in a meaningful work-related context, to allow learners to understand theory and application. The Pearson BTEC Level 2 First Award in Engineering comprises core units that underpin the knowledge and skills that are valued in the engineering sector.
Students will study real-life, engineering work-based case studies and equipment to complete project-based assessments (including both assignment and internal classroom tests), which contribute to achieving each unit studied.
In order to complete each unit, learners will achieve against specified outcomes. The assessment criteria address theory with practical exercises in the engineering environment. The assessment process is on-going, so it allows the student to analyse and improve their own performance through their course in much the same way as they would in a real workplace.
In Key Stage 4 students will study Engineering as an equivalent to 1 GCSE, following the Pearson BTEC Level 2 First Award in Engineering Specification.
Students will study 4 topics.
- Unit 1 The Engineered world
- Unit 2 Investigating an Engineering Product
- Unit 3 Health & Safety
- Unit 5 Engineering Materials
Unit 1 The Engineered world
Pupils will learn about engineering processes used to create modern products, developments in engineering technologies and sustainability.
Unit 2 Investigating an Engineering Product
Pupils will investigate and understand the performance requirements of modern engineering products in the areas of materials, and manufacturing processes.
Unit 3 Health & Safety
Pupils will develop an understanding of workshop equipment, creating risk assessments and researching Health & Safety regulations.
Unit 5 Engineering Materials
Pupils will investigate and learn about the properties of common engineering materials and the importance of sustainability of these materials.
Extracurricular activities
Industrial visits to local Engineering firms