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Key Stage 3

We are conscious that our new year 8 additions to St Patrick’s College are capable of great things. We want to capture their energy and commitment to school life and ensure that their progress and focus results in achieving their best. We believe that; “Achievement Begins in Year 8” and so the contributions and achievements of Year 8 students are particularly celebrated and encouraged.

Pupils study the following subjects:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Religion
  • Geography
  • History
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Technology
  • Home Economics
  • P.E.
  • Music
  • Drama
  • ICT
  • Art and Design
  • Employability
  • Citizenship
  • Personal Development
  • Learning for Life and Work


We continuously review our Curriculum offer to improve our provision and ensure it meets the needs of our students, who will be undertaking future study or work opportunities in a changing society. We are conscious that skill development in all Key Stages is important to ensure that our pupils are equipped to rise to the challenges of life after school.

Central to our Curriculum Planning is our mission to “inspire future generations”. Our staff are committed to providing the best possible educational experience and to enabling students to achieve and access their hopes and goals.

Assessment & reporting

Our pupils are continually assessed throughout the academic year at all Key Stages.

There are four assessment cycles throughout the academic year and progress is reported to parents and provides a platform for evaluation and review of performance with our students. All parents receive a full academic school report annually and three progress reviews during the year.

Pupils’ achievement is closely monitored and the pastoral and academic teams work closely with pupils and parents, aiming to ensure that pupils reach their full potential.

St Patrick's College Dungannon
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