Learning for Life and Work
Teaching Staff
Mrs G. Corcoran (HoD)
Introduction / Welcome
The Northern Ireland Curriculum aims to ‘empower young people to achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives’. Learning for Life and Work contributes directly to this by helping young people develop as individuals and as contributors to society, the economy and the environment.
KS3 Course Overview
This course provides students with the skills they require to think independently, make informed decisions, and take appropriate action when faced with personal, social, economic and employment issues.
In year 8,9 and 10 pupils are taught:
GCSE Overview
GCSE LLW is offered as an option for year 11 pupils. Students follow the CCEA GCSE Learning for Life and Work modular course for 4 periods per week. Through studying this specification, students gain knowledge skills and understanding in 4 areas of study:
Unit 1: Local and Global Citizenship
This unit covers:
diversity and inclusion; rights and responsibilities; government and civil society;
democratic institutions;
democracy and active participation;
the role of NGOs.
External Written Examination 20% 1 Hour (Completed in Year 11)
Unit 2: Personal Development
This unit covers:
personal health and well-being;
emotions and reactions to life experiences;
relationships and sexuality;
personal safety and well-being;
responsible parenting;
making informed financial decisions.
External Written Examination 20% 1 Hour (Completed in Year 11/12)
Unit 3: Employability
This unit covers:
the impact of globalisation on employment;
preparing for employment;
rights and responsibilities of employers and employees;
social responsibility of businesses;
exploring self-employment;
personal career management.
External Written Examination 20% 1 Hour (Completed in Year 12)
Unit 4: Investigation
(Controlled Assessment Task) You will complete one task from a choice of three. The task involves the following: Planning, Research, Communicating Findings, Self-Evaluation and Presentation of Task. 40% (Completed in Year 12)
Guest speakers
Many external agencies are used to support the delivery of Learning for Life and Work through organised activities and events. Examples include:
e.g. The Northern Ireland Assembly Education Service to look at government structure in Northern Ireland, PSNI help with drugs education, The Intercultural Education Service to discuss immigration, SVP to speak about poverty, NICCY address children’s rights, Woman’s Aid deal with self-esteem and relationship issues.
Year 11 pupils visit Parliament Buildings at Stormont as part of the Citizenship module to learn about how the Northern Ireland Assembly works.