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Prince's Trust

Teaching Staff

Miss M.O’Neill (Head of Department)
Mr D.Kelly
Mr D.Cullen
Mrs A.Rocks
Mrs E.Molloy (EA Youth Service)

Introduction / Welcome

Welcome to the Prince’s Trust / Learning Together department in St Patrick’s College. Our department motto is.

 ‘All students have something important to offer in the classroom therefore we really are better learning together’  

The Prince’s Trust and OCN Personal Success and Well-Being qualifications recognise a breadth of personal skills, qualities and attitudes required by employers across a range of sectors. The units have been developed with the aim of progressing learners into further education and/or employment and are available for use with pre and post 16 learners.  They give learners the opportunity to: 

  • Develop their own personal growth and engagement in, and through, learning 
  • Engage in learning that is relevant to them and support their development of personal skills and attributes that are essential for working life and employment 
  • Prepare themselves for progression into further education programmes, apprenticeships, or other work-based learning 
  • Develop their English and mathematics skills

Department Aims

  • To provide pupils with enjoyable, productive, and challenging learning experiences
  • To provide learning experiences which are accessible and achievable for all
  • To provide learning experiences which are relevant, and which help pupils to develop an awareness of self and their capabilities
  • To develop a pupil’s capacity for self-evaluation as the basis for self-improvement in a range of skills
  • To foster a learning environment which welcomes discussion and debate between teacher and pupil, and pupil and pupil
  • To seek ever more inventive ways of recognising and rewarding good work
  • To seek ever more inventive ways of enhancing a pupil’s creativity by stimulating curiosity and imagination
  • To use ICT to enhance learning
  • To equip pupils with the skills needed for the world beyond school
  • To improve and maintain pupils’ attendance in Key Stage Four
  • To offer a supportive learning environment where pupils feel valued, safe, and treasured
  • To build pupils awareness of local employers and resources for their use
  • To equip pupils with hands on skills that will aid them in their future working life



  • To provide equality of opportunity for all pupils
  • To develop language skills 
  • To develop communication and interpersonal skills
  • To develop ICT skills, especially word-processing
  • To help pupils to develop skills required for their life outside school and beyond
  • To help pupils to feel comfortable in environments they know less well by introducing them to a variety of environments outside St Patrick’s College

Curriculum details & Assessment

These qualifications are offered in Key Stage 4 only

There are no written examinations. All assessment takes the form of internally assessed portfolios. These portfolios are internally moderated and externally assessed by relevant awarding bodies.

There are a number of units of work available, which are chosen in negotiation with the pupils to maintain maximum engagement. The units emphasise the use and development of transferrable skills.   

Units that are studied in Prince’s Trust include:

  • Participating in exercise
  • Community project
  • Work Experience
  • Presentation Skills
  • Digital skills
  • Career Planning

Prince’s Trust offers young people an alternative way to achieve a recognised qualification and is equivalent to Level 2 – 2 GCSE grades at grade BB

Units that are studied in Learning Together include:

  • Teamwork
  • Prejudice and Discrimination
  • Enrichment Project
  • Individual Rights and Responsibilities
  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • Cultural Diversity

OCN offers young people an alternative way to achieve a recognised qualification and is equivalent to Level 2 – GCSE at grade B. 

Careers linked with Prince’s Trust/Learning Together:

The qualification is suited to pupil’s individual career interests as they can choose a variety of options at the South West College and other Further Education Colleges. Pupils can also return to school Post 16 to study A-Levels, depending on the range of other grades achieved.

St Patrick's College Dungannon
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